Les Halles de Schaerbeek
— Brussels —

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Sponge babe in LA (4 LOVE & ANXIETY)

Mercedes Dassy

In this new solo choreographic piece created and performed by Mercedes Dassy, the performer brings to life SpongeBabe – a fictional duplicate (a post-apocalyptic being who has death and survival drives) – rehearsing the show for her new album before its big premiere. We share with her her last night underground before she surfaces again.

In moments between rehearsing, SpongeBabe shares with us a quite intimist, join-the-dots story, a sort of behind-the-scenes documentary or voiceover, in movement and in words, in which she confides her experiences and reflections on break-up, vulnerability, sweetness and rebirth. 

With her latest creation, Mercedes Dassy addresses the subject of change, referencing all those moments in life where we have no choice but to allow ourselves to undergo metamorphosis to be reborn better…