Les Halles de Schaerbeek
— Brussels —

Splash timer


Vincent Glowinski

Pteudon is the name given to a sculpture I made in 2016. I made this work for the Mater Museum exhibition, where I mixed my mother's sculptures with my own. The Pteudon, which had no name at the time, was a key figure in the exhibition. Its pointed beak is like an arrow that crosses generations. It became the link between mother and son, son and daughter, and so on. I used to tell myself a story in which this flying dinosaur came back from a distant time and brought back souls to save us. And the babies were countless messiahs giving us a new perspective on our time. Whatever the case, it's always been about birth, rebirth and our origins. It just so happens that during the exhibition the sculpture started to move, which was unexpected. Some would even say that they saw it dance. It had become a puppet. Since then, from time to time, the puppet comes to life and plays.

I know that the Pteudon is looking for something. Thanks to him, I'm looking too. I know that he precedes us, that he comes back to us from before. I feel that he is looking for words, and even a voice. I asked Antoine Loyer to help me with this work. And Antoine called on Donatien Toma Ndani Djemelas to play under the group name ‘Vin de Sprite’. 

What if our origins were a song? 

Vincent Glowinski : Sculpture et performance
Antoine Loyer et Vin de Sprite: Musique
Quentin Thirionet : installation cordiste 
Entropie Production (Pierre-Laurent Boudet, Stéphanie Bouteille, Thomas Frabolot) : production déléguée

Coproduction : Mars, Mons Arts de la Scène, Les Halles de Schaerbeek
Avec le soutien de la Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles