Les Halles de Schaerbeek
— Brussels —

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Habitant·e·s des images asbl

In June 2023, Habitant-es des images asbl organised workshops on the Place de la Reine in Schaerbeek and in one of the houses overlooking the square. How can we design a square that is welcoming to women, children and all minorities? How can we improve gender equality in public spaces? The programme included a women's workshop, discussions, drawings, coffee, image-making and a cyanotype. These moments of exchange gave rise to six large images accompanied by texts. The discussions led us to create landscapes that combine gender issues with those of isolation, drugs, bringing up children, etc.

The Neighbourhood Life Department and the Habitant-es des images are continuing to work on these themes, images and stories, in partnership with cultural venues and associations in the neighbourhood in 2023-2024.

Atelier de lecture de contes:
Mardi 2 juillet de 17:00 à 18:00
Vendredi 5 juillet de 17:00 à 18:00