Pietro Marullo/Insieme Irreali
Is the human race one big family? Are the other species also part of it? Globalisation has turned our planet into a hyper connected network where everything flows into co-dependent streams, for better and for worse. Are we up to the challenges that come with it? When facing the worse, families turn in on themselves.
Hive was inspired by Tondo Doni, one of Michelangelo’s paintings of the Holy Family. It shows how a group brought together by the joy of dancing, reacts under the threat of disintegration.
Hive is a multi-disciplinary gem that beautifully explores the conditions of our survival.
Concept, chorégraphie et direction
Pietro Marullo
Paysage sonore
Jean Noel Boissé
Création et régie lumière
Ryoya Fudetani
Sculptures et costumes
Pietro Marullo and Diana Ciufo
Aide à la dramaturgie
Marianna Cifarelli
Maria Barreto, Julia Eva Bondone, Ines Carijo, François Delcambre, Paola Madrid Garcia, Vasco Pedro Merine.
Production : INSIEME IRREALI asbl.
Coproduction : Festival Oriente Occidente nell’ambito della “Vetrina delle idee” per produzioni culturali originali ; Théâtre Varia –Bruxelles ; La Coop asbl ; Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles ; WpZimmer ; IF Barcelona Festival, Tax Shelter.
Avec le soutien de : IntercettAzioni – Centro di Residenza Artistica della Lombardia (un progetto di Circuito CLAPS e Industria Scenica, Milano Musica, Teatro delle Moire, Zona K) ; Sala Hiroshima, Barcelone ; Scenario Pubblico / Compagnia Roberto Zappala di Catania ; Arts Printing House, Vilnius ; Derida Stage Center, Sofia ; Wallonie-Bruxelles International.