Les Halles de Schaerbeek
— Brussels —

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08.03.25 | 10:00

we're getting organised, we're standing up, we're resisting!


Saturday 08 March 2025 10:00

On 8 March at Les Halles, get organised, stand up and resist!

Les Halles de Schaerbeek will be opening its doors at 10am to create a space for solidarity and resistance. It's a place where anyone with FLINTAQ1 can gather, protect themselves, take a breather or arm themselves with the strength to carry on fighting. Because without us, the world stops, and we have to make it feel that way.

Here, you'll be free: free to take care of yourself, free to chat with others, free to prepare your placards for the demonstration starting at 3pm (no programme of activities planned).

Tea, coffee and, above all, a safe atmosphere (as far as possible) will be on offer.

We're taking care of ourselves so that we can fight together more effectively.


Even today, women2 - whether cis or trans - continue to be oppressed by a sexist system that exploits them. They earn less, they take on the overwhelming majority of care and household tasks, and they suffer pervasive violence, rooted in every sphere of society. Patriarchy kills and injustice suffocates us.

On 8 March, we're marching for our dead, for our sisters, our mothers and our elders, for our daughters, for a fairer, more egalitarian society.
After the demonstration, the bar at Les Halles will be open until 8.00pm so that we can share our feelings and experiences and recharge our batteries.


In collaboration with theCollecti.e.f 8 Maars.

Five reasons to join the feminist strike on 8 March:

- For women's financial independence2. We demand an end to the attacks on women's purchasing power and economic autonomy2. Dignified wages, a real minimum wage, full pensions, index protection and stable contracts, especially in sectors where women are in the majority.
- Strong public services. No more budget cuts! We demand massive investment in childcare, healthcare and the public services that support millions of women every day.
- Put an end to sexist and sexual violence. We demand substantial resources to protect victims: budgets, training for the police and the justice system, effective prevention, and serious investigations to measure the true scale of the problem.
- For our bodies, our choices. The right to abortion must be extended and unconditionally guaranteed.
- For a united, intersectional and international fight.


1. Acronym for women, lesbians, intersex, non-binary, trans, agender, queer
2. Women and anyone who suffers discrimination on the basis of their gender and sex identity.