La meute
transitscape / Pierre Larauza & Emmanuelle Vincent
After 19xBXL, Les Halles welcomes back the t.r.a.n.s.i.t.s.c.a.p.e duo Pierre Larauza + Emmanuelle Vincent with their new creation: La meute.
2022: Poland, scarred by a border crisis with Belarus, erects an anti-migrant wall in the protected primary forest of Białowieża. Over a length of 187 km, this 5.5-metre-high wall of steel and barbed wire is equipped with movement detectors. 12 July 2024: an abject law authorises the Polish armed forces to kill anyone who might endanger them with impunity.
Licence to hunt exiles. Licence to kill.
Wolf hunting is also back in fashion. The Member States of the European Union recently called for a review of the status of wolves, which until now have been protected under the Bern Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife in the Wild. Wolf shooting’ could be authorised if wolves are perceived as a threat.
Licence to hunt wolves. Licence to kill.
In the face of violence, six animal bodies stand up, stand up straight and speak out.
La meute is a choreographic, sound and visual performance about the power of being together. It's a social pact that advocates emancipation, freeing us from captivity and domestication; rediscovering an inner journey away from familiar landmarks, structural violence and the conventions imposed by society.
Let's seize the urgency to act as living beings. The collective at the centre, in a pack.
To create La meute, Emmanuelle Vincent and Pierre Larauza went to observe a pack of wolves in Poland. From the forest of Białowieża to the Halles de Schaerbeek, their experience of tracking will be shared with spectators, who are invited to lie in wait. Neither hunters, nor wildlife photographers, nor border guards... They will witness the doubts, contradictions, joys and search for balance of a group trying to make society.
Concept, chorégraphie et performance : Emmanuelle Vincent |Direction artistique et dramaturgique : Pierre Larauza et Emmanuelle Vincent | Scénographie et regard chorégraphique : Pierre Larauza | Matériel chorégraphique développé en collaboration avec les performeureuses : Adèle Bourret, Quentin Chaveriat, Marianne Chargois, Mathieu Dufourg |Création sonore et performance live : Summer Satana | Création lumière : Grégory Rivoux | Technicien arts textiles : Marian Eeckhout | Vidéo : Pierre Larauza | Montage vidéo : Thy Nguyên Truong Minh et Emmanuelle Vincent | Conseillère dramaturgique : Marianne Chargois | scénographiques : Malik Benkahla et Delce Roux | Régie générale : Eliott Janon | Régie plateau : Grigory Collomb | Conseiller en sonorisation : Serge Payen | Construction : Karl Autrique | Diffusion & médiation : Manon André Caminita | Production & administration : Sílvia Gutiérrez Kirchner | Stagiaires chorégraphiques : Noah Rolland, Agathe Juvenez | Renforts production : Kathleen Franck et Karolina Szablowska | Spécialistes du loup : Fabian Brugmann et Adam Busko | Production : transitscape asbl | Coproduction : Les Halles de Schaerbeek, Charleroi Danse. La Coop asbl et Shelter Prod, avec le soutien de, ING et du tax-shelter du gouvernement fédéral belge.
Avec le soutien de : le BAMP, Central, Studio Thor. Avec l'aide de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles - Direction de la danse, Wallonie-Bruxelles Théâtre/Danse, la Commune d’Ixelles et la Cocof.