La meute
transitscape / Pierre Larauza & Emmanuelle Vincent
Following on from 19xBXL, Les Halles is once again bidding welcome to the t.r.a.n.s.i.t.s.c.a.p.e duo of Pierre Larauza and Emmanuelle Vincent, with their new creation: La Meute.
Built out of the observation of wolves and the study of their social behaviours, this spectator experience, a mix of dance, performance and live music, invites you to be on the lookout.
The audience will witness the doubts, the contradictions, the joys and the search for balance of a group seeking to build a society. La meute is an ode to the collective, a manifesto against societal structural violence, which takes as its starting point the idea that we can form a group while being different if the common challenge is to cooperate and survive together.
Who should really be scared? The human or the wolf?
Concept, chorégraphie et dramaturgie : Emmanuelle Vincent |Scénographie et regard chorégraphique : Pierre Larauza |Performeur·euses : Marianne Chargois, Quentin Chaveriat, Adèle Bourret, Matthieu Dufourg, Emmanuelle Vincent |Conseillère scientifique : Anne Bauwens |Création sonore et Dj live : Summer Satana |Régisseur général : Serge Payen |Diffusion/médiation : Manon André Caminita |Administration/production : Sílvia Gutiérrez Kirchner