Les Halles de Schaerbeek
— Brussels —

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03.03.25 | 19:30



Monday 03 March 2025 19:30

Le Théâtre de la Vie, Les Halles de Schaerbeek, Garage 29 and BAMP launch the Lundynamite Nights. Every first Monday night of the month, get your fill of adventuresome artistic offerings and leave the Monday blues at home.


MOSAIC (23') - Victoria Kennett

‘We are fragments. 
fragments of time, fragments of people
everything I've come across I've put together in the mosaic
of my body
colourful, changing
every place, every smell, every face
is part of who I am today.
mosaic is an ode to my past and the history of my body.
it's a collection of memories, the clear, the confused, the painful
and the magical ones’.
Victoria travels through the elements of her physical memory as a character from dreams, video games, science fiction and cabaret, trying to piece together the fragments of an enigmatic jigsaw puzzle.

Choreography and performance: Victoria Kennett
Costume design: Stef Assandri
Outside choreographers: Théo Marion-Wuillemin, Dunya Narli, Elise Ludinard, Alessandro Sollima
Partners / Grants / Co-productions: Studio Joji, Les Baladins du Miroir, Studio Thor, Adami


Gio Megrelishvili is currently working at the intersection of sound, choreography and performance, exploring the tension between identity, body politics and power. Between Urine and Feces, with Marco labellarte, questions the ways in which violence and desire intertwine, drawing on personal experiences of militarism, displacement and fagotry. 

4EVER (Je ne veux pas que les papillons meurent) - Alix.ce

it's all about love 
and butterflies in the stomach 
and on earth 
that's less lol
(sample from Lorie)

I'm sure of nothing
but the love that burns inside me
the love of love <3<3

4EVER (Je ne veux pas que les papillons meurent) is an emo kitsch stage poem made up of real-life and fantasised images: a childhood in the countryside on the farm of the BFF's (best friend forever) parents, the rituals of rural life, the rigidity of traditions and the flight to the city. 
This hybrid performance blends poetry, video and electronic music in a pop and futuristic universe, inviting us to dream of love in a changing world.