Dorothée Munyaneza
This performance includes scenes of attempted suicide and verbal and physical abuse.
“We have far more in common than that which divides us”, Kae Tempest
In a women’s prison, Chess and Serena share a cell. They are in love. When Serena is released on parole, the two women are devastated. As an escape, Chess sings and writes songs. She thinks about her crime and her wounds, and composes a song for her daughter. In her quest for redemption through music, she never imagined being caught in her own past.
The Rwandan-British musician, author and choreographer Dorothée Munyaneza - whose debut production this is - was immediately seduced by the beauty and power of Kae Tempest’s language.
The story takes place in an unidentified yet actually fully identified world: this story is the story of women incarcerated for gender-based violence, a subject that sadly is still relevant today!
With the support of the French Embassy in Belgium and the Institut français. As part of EXTRA, a program that supports French contemporary creation in Belgium.
Texte : Kae Tempest |Musique : Dan Carey |Traduction et mise en scène : Dorothée Munyaneza |Collaboration musicale : Ben LaMar Gay |Scénographie et lumières : Camille Duchemin |Costumes : Lila John |Décors et costumes réalisés par les ateliers du Théâtre National de Strasbourg |Coordination artistique : Virginie Dupray | Assistante mise en scène : Lisa Como |Interprètes : Sondos Belhassen (Silver), Bwanga Pilipili (Serena), Davide-Christelle Sanvee (La gardienne), Grace Seri (Chess) |Production : Centre International de Créations Théâtrales / Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord |Coproduction : Théâtre National de Strasbourg ; Festival d’automne à Paris ; Théâtre de Namur ; La Muse en Circuit – Centre national de création musicale ; L'Arc - Scène Nationale Le Creusot |Avec le soutien Avec le soutien du Cercle de l'Athénée et des Bouffes du Nord et de sa Fondation abritée à l’Académie des beaux-arts