Sorry, but I Feel Slightly Disidentified…
Benjamin Kahn
Conceived by Benjamin Kahn for and with the performer and choreographer Cherish Menzo – a Dutchwoman of Surinamese descent – this piece pokes and prods our views and our prejudices about race, gender, social status and culture.
Layer after layer, the performer uncovers and metamorphoses, anchored in her body and yet partially stripped of the images it gives off, reflects and causes confusion with. Facing her and themselves, the audience cannot ignore what this reveals, so obviously intimate, and what they perceive from it, what they deduce from it, sometimes reluctantly. Sorry, But I Feel Slightly Disidentified…, the first part of a trilogy, is a wonderfully embodied portrait.
Conception, direction, chorégraphie : Benjamin Kahn
Création, interprétation : Cherish Menzo
Lumières, costumes, texte : Benjamin Kahn
Composition sonore en collaboration avec Gaggi Petrovic
Remerciements : Hubert Colas et le Festival Actoral, The Cultural Rucksack (Norvège)|Accueil en résidence : Frascati Theater Amsterdam (Pays-Bas)|Avec le soutien de l’Ambassade des Pays-Bas et Wallonie-Bruxelles International Avec le soutien de la SACD (Société des Auteurs et Compositeurs Dramatiques) et de l’Onda, Office national de diffusion artistique dans le cadre de leur programme TRIO(S).